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There Goes Nihongo
3月24日読了時間: 1分
奇麗好き(きれいずき) is neat and tidy.
「奇麗好き」(きれいずき) is used for someone who is neat and likes to keep things tidy.
There Goes Nihongo
3月16日読了時間: 1分
逆効果(ぎゃくこうか) is the opposite effect.
「逆効果」(ぎゃくこうか) is a result or a change that someone or something causes in someone or something and that is different from the one expected.
There Goes Nihongo
3月6日読了時間: 1分
気が立つ(きがたつ) is on edge.
「気が立つ」(きがたつ) is nervous, bad-tempered, or excited, especially because you are worried about what might happen.
There Goes Nihongo
3月2日読了時間: 1分
義母(ぎぼ) is your stepmother or mother-in-law.
「義母」(ぎぼ) is the woman who is married to your father but who is not your real mother, or the mother of your husband or wife. In speech,...
There Goes Nihongo
2月29日読了時間: 1分
聞き捨てならない(ききずて ならない) is cannot pass over.
「聞き捨てならない」(ききずて ならない) is used for a word that you cannot ignore because it is so rude or untrue.
There Goes Nihongo
2月27日読了時間: 1分
気が散る(きがちる) is distracted.
「気が散る」(きがちる) is unable to pay attention to someone or something because you are worried or thinking about something else.
There Goes Nihongo
2月22日読了時間: 1分
鑑(かがみ) is a role model.
「鑑」(かがみ) is an exemplar or a person who is considered an excellent example of something.
There Goes Nihongo
2月18日読了時間: 1分
入れ知恵(いれぢえ) is a planted idea.
「入れ知恵」(いれぢえ) is an idea that someone makes you believe, especially a bad idea.
There Goes Nihongo
2月16日読了時間: 1分
矢継ぎ早(やつぎばや) is in quick succession.
「矢継ぎ早」(やつぎばや) is used for the way something happens one after another in a very short period of time. This expression comes from the way...
There Goes Nihongo
2月14日読了時間: 1分
反感を買う(はんかんを かう) is to antagonize someone.
「反感を買う」(はんかんを かう) is to do something to make someone annoyed, offended, angry, or disagree with you.
There Goes Nihongo
2月12日読了時間: 1分
十年早い(じゅうねん はやい) is far too early.
「十年早い」(じゅうねんはやい) tells us the way something is too early or someone is too young to do something. 「十年」(じゅうねん) is used idiomatically....
There Goes Nihongo
2月9日読了時間: 1分
体が続く(からだが つづく) is to have the strength.
「体が続く」(からだが つづく) is to have the strength to do something and stay healthy, especially when you work hard for a long time.
There Goes Nihongo
2月5日読了時間: 1分
存在感(そんざいかん) is presence.
「存在感」(そんざいかん) is the quality of making a strong impression on other people by the way you talk or behave.
There Goes Nihongo
2月5日読了時間: 1分
万全(ばんぜん) is to be meticulous.
「万全」(ばんぜん) is used for the way you pay careful attention to every detail when you do something. It should be perfect, complete, and...
There Goes Nihongo
1月31日読了時間: 1分
勘違い(かんちがい) is a mistake.
「勘違い」(かんちがい) is a wrong idea that is had by mistake.
There Goes Nihongo
1月28日読了時間: 1分
拝見する(はいけんする) is to see.
「拝見」(はいけん) means to see someone or something when you say it humbly before your listener. It is especially used when someone you see is...
There Goes Nihongo
1月26日読了時間: 1分
寝不足(ねぶそく) is lack of sleep.
「寝不足」(ねぶそく) is used to mean a situation when you do not have enough sleep.
There Goes Nihongo
1月24日読了時間: 1分
陽気(ようき) is cheerful.
「陽気」(ようき) is the way that you are happy, bright, or cheerful, without having worries. Its antonym is 「陰気」(いんき). 「陽気」(ようき) also means a...
There Goes Nihongo
1月22日読了時間: 1分
肝心(かんじん) is essential.
「肝心」(かんじん) means to be very important and indispensable.
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