適当は適当だ(てきとうは てきとうだ)。 Properly? Randomly?
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「適当(てきとう)」is a basic word which even small Japanese children may know and use. However, it might be a little hard for learners of the...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年6月18日読了時間: 3分
Need even a cat’s hand—猫(ねこ)の手(て)も借りたい(かりたい)
Since long time ago, a house cat has been valued by humans for companionship and for its ability to hunt rodents. Cats are considered...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年6月9日読了時間: 3分
Brothers and sisters―兄弟(きょうだい)姉妹(しまい)
Compare English and Japanese about brothers and sisters. Is it surprising to hear that there is not a word for ‘brother’ nor ‘sister’ in...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年5月16日読了時間: 4分
How many ‘I’s do you use?―「私(わたくし)」のいろいろ。
The Japanese language has many words that represent ‘I.’ 私(わたくし) is the most common word for I, but わたくし is very formal and わたし is more...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年4月27日読了時間: 4分
How does a woman’s mind change?―女心(おんなごころ)と秋(あき)の空(そら)
They say a woman’s mind—especially loving mind toward a man—is changeable like a fall sky. A fall or autumn is, in Japan, maybe...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年4月24日読了時間: 3分
Boys, be ambitious―青年(せいねん)よ、大志(たいし)を抱け(いだけ)
This may be one of the most famous phrases which the Japanese people have ever known in English. The Japanese version see-nen-yo,...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年4月21日読了時間: 4分
You’re a NECK!―お前(おまえ)は首(くび)だ!
I don’t know why they use ‘fire’ in English when they fire somebody. Instead, in the Japanese language, we use ‘neck.’ When they fire...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年4月15日読了時間: 4分
How did a piggy hit a piggy?―豚(ぶた)が豚(ぶた)をぶった (Buta-ga buta-o but-ta).
Buta 豚(ぶた) is: English: pig, hog Spanish: cerdo Tagalog: baboy 豚(ぶた)が豚(ぶた)をぶったら、ぶたれた豚(ぶた)がぶった豚(ぶた)をぶったので、ぶった豚(ぶた)とぶたれた豚(ぶた)がぶっ倒れた(ぶったおれた)...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年4月12日読了時間: 3分
800 (eight hundred) lies?―uso-itsuwari 噓(うそ)偽り(いつわり)
English: lie Spanish: mentira Tagalog: bula Uso 嘘 (うそ)―lie Something not true is uso 嘘(うそ), especially what is said in order to cheat...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年4月5日読了時間: 2分
What is rei 令(れい)?―code, law, regulation
Rei 令 has the three main meanings: 1. Iitsuke 言いつけ(いいつけ)、sashizu 指図(さしず): orders, instructions 2. Okite 掟(おきて)、kimari 決まり(きまり): code,...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年4月4日読了時間: 2分
What is rei 令(れい)?―orders or to give orders
Rei 令 (れい) has the three main meanings: 1. Iitsuke 言いつけ(いいつけ)、sashizu 指図(さしず): orders, instructions 2. Okite 掟(おきて)、kimari 決まり(きまり):...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年3月31日読了時間: 2分
Love is not changed?―Ai-kawarazu 相変わらず(あいかわらず)
English: not get any better; as usual; same Spanish: no major; igual Tagalog: tulad ng dati Ai 相(あい)is not ai 愛(あい)―love―in this sense,...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年3月28日読了時間: 2分
Are you ready to work 24 hours?―Gambate 頑張って(がんばって)、gambaru 頑張る(がんばる)
English: good luck, Spanish: buena suerte Tagalog: pagbutihin Note that this word has nothing to do with prawns―gambas! We’re not sure...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年3月28日読了時間: 2分
Is Japan full of fools?―baka ばか(馬鹿)
English: fool, idiot Spanish: idiota, tonto(a) Tagalog: gago(a), tanga At school children are instructed, "Do not say 'fool!' to anybody,...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年3月23日読了時間: 3分
Does "Namae"(なまえ)mean name?
English: name Spanish: nombre Tagalog: pangalan Although NAMAE and NAME are pronounced very differently, how similar, by chance, those...
There Goes Nihongo
2019年3月23日読了時間: 3分
Hell of Hurigana ふりがな/フリガナ
Nobody’s not sure what exactly the name is called. This is annoying, real annoying. A person’s name is officially registered in...
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