An essay was on a newspaper the other day. It was from an Ogawa Taishi (I’m not really sure his name is called ‘Taishi’ because the parents can register any reading or sound for the kanji 太志 of their child.) of Nagano Prefecture. Age 55.
I just thought it was a heartwarming story and good to share it for a reading article for Japanese learners.
My commentary comes after the original text.
Note before reading:
December 23rd was the birthday of the Emperor of Heisei and has been a holiday for 30 years from 1989 to 2018. As Heisei Period ended on April 30, 2019 and Reiwa Period started on May 1st, 2019, December 23rd, 2019 became a weekday for the first time in 30 years.
The original text:
English interpretation:
December 23―the birthday of the Emperor of Heisei (the retired Emperor at present)―was refreshing even to me, who don’t usually appreciate one of as many as sixteen national holidays in a year.
In a busy December, I needed to encourage myself to work until the winter holidays.
During that period, we happened to have a break in between.
The 24th is Christmas Eve; the 25th Christmas Day.
Every year, I said to myself irreverently, “He was born at a perfect timing!” and “Why don’t they close office as well as school from that day?”
I’ve never had a romantic night, but nevertheless I always bought some Christmas cake from a convenience store in advance, saying it was the eve before Christmas Eve.
I had enjoyable three days, sharing the cake with my mother.
Heisei Period has come to an end, and the 23rd has become a weekday this year.
It gave me great pleasure to have somehow buoyant mood for three decades.
Dear December 23rd of Heisei Period, I thank you very much!
(1) 年間(ねんかん)16(じゅうろく)日(にち)もある祝日(しゅくじつ)に、そんなにありがたみを感じなく(かんじなく)なっている私(わたし)も、平成(へいせい)の天皇(てんのう)陛下(へいか)(現(げん)・(・)上皇(じょうこう)さま)の誕生(たんじょう)日である12(じゅうに)月(がつ)23(にじゅうさん)日(にち)はホッとする日(ひ)だった。
December 23―the birthday of the Emperor of Heisei (the retired Emperor at present)―was refreshing even to me, who don’t usually appreciate one of as many as sixteen national holidays in a year.
「年間(ねんかん)」 in a year, per annum
「祝日(しゅくじつ)」 a national holiday, an official holiday
「ありがたみ」 appreciation; thankfulness
「平成(へいせい)」 one of the ages in Japanese calendar; from January 8, 1989 to April 30, 2019; the period of the Emperor of Heisei
「天皇(てんのう)陛下(へいか)」 the Emperor of Japan
「上皇(じょうこう)さま」 the retired Emperor(s)
「誕生(たんじょう)日(び)」 the birthday
「12(じゅうに)月(がつ)23(にじゅうさん)日(にち)」 December the 23rd
「ホッとする」 refreshing; relieving
(2) 師走(しわす)のせわしない時(とき)、正月(しょうがつ)休み(やすみ)まであとひと踏ん張り(ふんばり)。
In a busy December, I needed to encourage myself to work until the winter holidays.
「師走(しわす)」 the old-fashioned name for December
「せわしない」 busy; having much work to do
「正月(しょうがつ)休み(やすみ)」 winter holidays; many offices are closed from January 1st to January 3rd
「あとひと踏ん張り(ふんばり)」 a little more work
(3) そんな時(とき)に、ぽつんと休み(やすみ)があった。
During that period, we had a break in between.
「ぽつんと」 alone, solitarily
「休み(やすみ)」 a break, a day off
(N.B. December 23rd was the only national holiday in December in Heisei Period in Japan.)
(4) 24(にじゅうよ)日(っか)はクリスマスイブで、25(25)日(にち)がクリスマス。
The 24th is Christmas Eve; the 25th Christmas Day.
(5) 不敬(ふけい)ながら「いい日(ひ)に生まれて(うまれて)くれたなあ」「いっそこの日(ひ)から、学校(がっこう)も会社(かいしゃ)も休み(やすみ)にしちゃえばいいのになあ」と毎年(まいとし)、思って(おもって)いた。
Every year, I said to myself irreverently, “He was born at a perfect timing!” and “Why don’t they close office as well as school from that day?”
「不敬(ふけい)」 irreverent; disrespectful; rude; blasphemy
「いっそ~しちゃえ」 to take the plunge to do something
「学校(がっこう)」 school
「会社(かいしゃ)」 a company; a corporation; an office
「毎年(まいとし)」 every year
(6) ロマンチックな夜(よる)とはついぞ無縁(むえん)だったが、「イブイブだね」などと言って(いって)は、いつも前倒し(まえだおし)でコンビニのクリスマスケーキを購入(こうにゅう)。
I’ve never had a romantic night, but nevertheless I always bought some Christmas cake from a convenience store in advance, saying it was the eve before Christmas Eve.
「ロマンチック」 romantic
「無縁(むえん)」 having nothing to do with something; no relation
「イブイブ」 the day before Christmas Eve
「コンビニ」 a convenience store
「クリスマスケーキ」 Christmas cake
「購入(こうにゅう)」 to buy; to purchase
(7) 母(はは)と分けて(わけて)食べる(たべる)3(3)日間(かかん)は楽しかった(たのしかった)。
I had enjoyable three days, sharing the cake with my mother.
「母(はは)」 mother
「分(わ)けて」 to share
「食(た)べる」 to eat
「3(みっ)日間(かかん)」 for three days
「楽(たの)しかった」 to have had fun; something was pleasant
(8) 平成(へいせい)が終わり(おわり)、今年(ことし)は23(23)日(にち)が平日(へいじつ)になった。
Heisei Period has come to an end, and the 23rd has become a weekday this year.
「終(お)わり」 to finish; to come to an end
「今年(ことし)」 this year
「平日(へいじつ)」 a working day; a weekday
(9) 何(なん)となく浮き立つ(うきたつ)ような気分(きぶん)を30(30)年間(ねんかん)も楽しませて(たのしませて)もらった。
It gave me great pleasure to have somehow buoyant mood for three decades.
「何(なん)となく」 somewhat; somehow
「浮き立つ(うきたつ)ような」 in buoyant or gay mood
「気分(きぶん)」 a feeling
「30(さんじゅう)年間(ねんかん)」 30 years; three decades
「楽(たの)しませてもらった」 to have really enjoyed
(10) 平成(へいせい)の12(12)月(がつ)23(23)日(にち)、どうもありがとう。
Dear December 23rd of Heisei Period, thank you very much!