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執筆者の写真There Goes Nihongo

Do you have a dream? ―「夢(ゆめ)」のいろいろ。

The word 夢 is related to a crescent moon because the kanji contains it―夕, which is a hieroglyph of a crescent moon.

「夢(ゆめ)」 is DREAM and was derived from 「寝目(いめ)」. 「寝(イ)」 is to sleep; 「目(メ)」 an eye or to see. So 寝目 or イメ meant what you saw while you’re asleep. Later the sound changed to ユメ and the kanji 「夢」 has been used to mean DREAM

Let’s see some DREAM expressions here.


Similar to the English ‘dream,’ these phrases have two meanings:

1. To dream while you’re asleep.

2. To dream something that you want very much to happen.

変な夢(へんなゆめ) could be like this.

However, 夢(ゆめ)を見る(みる) is used to mean ‘dream while you’re asleep’ more often, whereas 夢見る(ゆめみる) is to mostly mean ‘dream something that you want to happen.’


Last night I had the strangest dream I ever dreamed before.

(The English is from a song of Simon and Garfunkel.)

This image could be a bad dream 悪い夢(わるい ゆめ).


The child was frightened by a bad dream.


She dreams of running her own business.

For the latter meaning, 「夢(ゆめ)を持つ(もつ)」 or 「夢(ゆめ)がある」 is also used commonly.


She had this romantic dream of living in a windmill.

風車(ふうしゃ) is a windmill: The windmills of Kinderdijk in the Netherlands.


Her biggest dream was to become a singer.

「夢(ゆめ)のまた夢(ゆめ)」 is an impossible dream; a wish which seems so hard to get; or a distant dream, like a dream of dreams.


His plans to travel the world now seemed like a distant dream.


Peace no longer seemed an impossible dream.

夢のまた夢(ゆめの また ゆめ): To travel on board a luxurious passenger boat seems an impossible dream.

「夢(ゆめ)のような話(はなし)」 is a hope or plan that is impossible to achieve or not practical.


He spent his life chasing pipe dreams.

「夢(ゆめ)が破れる(やぶれる)」 is to crush or shatter a dream.


The injury shattered her dream of running in the Olympics.

An athletic field is called a 陸上競技場(りくじょう きょうぎ じょう).

「夢(ゆめ)から覚める(さめる)」 is to awake from a dream.


I was awoken from my dream by a knock at the door.

「夢(ゆめ)を追う(おう)」 is to chase, follow, or pursue a dream.


He left his job to pursue his dream of opening a restaurant.

「夢(ゆめ)が叶う(かなう)・夢(ゆめ)を叶える(かなえる)」 is to achieve, fulfill, or realize a dream.


At last his dreams were fulfilled.

レストランを持(も)つ夢(ゆめ): a dream of opening a restaurant.


He put all his efforts into making his dream of a united country come true.

「夢にも(ゆめにも)思わない(おもわない)」 is to never dream something.


I never dreamed I’d actually get the job.


I wouldn’t dream of going without you.

交通事故(こうつう じこ): A traffic accident on a highway will be a nightmare.

「悪夢(あくむ)・悪い(わるい)夢(ゆめ)」 is a nightmare or a bad dream.


He still has nightmares about the accident.


If it goes ahead, it will be the nightmare scenario.


Their dream turned into a nightmare as the ship began to sink.

「無我夢中(むがむちゅう)」 is used for a situation where you do something so earnestly or hard and as if unconsciously that you can’t see anything around you.

無我(むが) is to forget about yourself; 夢中(むちゅう) is to be crazy about something.


I ran away for my life.

無我夢中で走る(むが むちゅうで はしる): They are running for their life.


The team worked feverishly to the November deadline.

「同床異夢(どうしょういむ)」 describes a situation where your friend or partner has other dreams than you.

They cooperate with each other and seem to want the same future to come. However, they have different dreams or think in a different way actually.

同床(どうしょう) is the same floor; 異夢(いむ) is a different dream. Even if we and our partners stay (or sleep) on the same floor, we have different dreams. So many people, so many minds.



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