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執筆者の写真There Goes Nihongo

How much do you know about ‘ikura’ ―いくら?


信州(しんしゅう)の幾重にも連なる山々(いくえにも つらなる やまやま): Mountains in Shinshu (Nagano Prefecture)

In a rudimentary understanding, you may learn to use 「いくら」 only for 「これはいくらですか?」―How much is this?—asking the price of something.

However, 「いくら」 is used to mean several other meanings. The point is 「幾(いく)」.

One use for 「幾(いく)」 is to mean an indefinite number or quantity:幾人(いくにん)、幾重(いくえ)、幾つ(いくつ)、幾度(いくど)、幾ばく(いくばく)、幾分(いくぶん)、幾回(いくかい)、幾日(いくにち)、幾ら(いくら)、etc.

結婚式(けっこんしき)にはいくらかかりますか?: How much does it cost to hold a wedding ceremony?

The other is to mean ‘a lot of’ to be put before a word which shows a large number: 幾百(いくひゃく)、幾千(いくせん)、幾久しく(いくひさしく)、幾多(いくた), etc.

Let’s see 「いくら・幾ら(いくら)」 first.

A. 「いくら・幾ら(いくら)」

1. In the negative form of 「いくらも・幾ら(いくら)も~ない」, it means few, little, hardly, seldom, etc.


Only a short time has passed since I ate.


That child seldom speaks.

彼女(かのじょ)は昨晩(さくばん)いくらも眠らなかった(ねむらなかった)のか、寝不足(ねぶそく)です。: She's lack of sleep; I wonder if she didn't get much sleep last night.


I didn't get much sleep last night.

2. In the form of 「いくらか(は)、幾ら(いくら)か(は)」, it means ‘to some degree.’


She became a little calm

イクラ is salmon roe. It is said to come from a Russian word 'ikra' to mean fish eggs.


Would you like to eat some?


I need to get some sleep.

3. In the form of 「いくらでも、幾ら(いくら)でも」, it means ‘endlessly,’ ‘as many (much) as you like.’


Please help yourself as much as you like.

彼女(かのじょ)もいくらでも泳げます(およげます): She can swim endlessly as well.


He can swim endlessly.


There’re so many books here.

4. 「いくら、幾ら(いくら)」 refers to a price.


How much would it cost?


I don’t know how much it is.

5. In the form of 「いくら~ても(でも)」, it means ‘however you do’ or ‘to whatever degree.’

いくら泣いても: No matter how much you cry...


I don’t care however you cry.


He wanted to take no risks, however small.


There would be a possible remedy, whatever it would be.


Even a child can understand it.

パーティーには幾人(いくにん)かの人(ひと)が来て(きて)いた。: There were several persons at the party.

B. 「いくにん、幾人(いくにん)」

It is used to mean several persons, but usually not more than ten persons.


There were several persons there.

C. 「いくえ、幾重(いくえ)」

It is used to mean several layers or piles; several times; again and again. いくつかの重なり(かさなり)。


She looked at the mounting pile of letters on her desk.

本日飛行機が遅れましたこと、幾重にもお詫び申し上げます。: We'd like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today.


We would like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today.

D. 「いくつ、幾つ(いくつ)」

It is used to mean SOME or HOW MANY (in a question.)

「もういくつ寝る(ねる)とお正月(おしょうがつ)。」 (in a song)

We’ll sleep some nights more until the new year comes.

僕 (ぼく) はいくつですか?: How old are you?


How old are you?


We have some problems.

E. 「いくど、幾度(いくど)」

It is used to mean SEVERAL TIMES. 何度(なんど)。幾回(いくかい)。


I have been to her house several times.


I read that book many times.

この本(ほん)は幾度(いくど)となく読み(よみ)ました。: I read this book many times.


Many the time I've been mistaken. (poetic)

F. 「いくばく、幾ばく(いくばく)」

It means a little, some, shortly. 少し(すこし)ばかり。This is a little poetic.


It seems that his days are numbered.


I contributed a little money.


He died shortly after that.

チョコを幾分か分けた。: I shared some of my chocolate.

G. 「いくぶん、幾分(いくぶん)」

It means to some degree, a little, some. 少々(しょうしょう)。少し(すこし)。やや。


I have a little tendency to talk too much when I'm nervous.


Koji shared some of his chocolate with the other kids.

H. 「幾百(いくひゃく)、幾千(いくせん)」

It means hundreds, thousands. 数百(すうひゃく)、数千(すうせん)。


Hundreds of thousands of people are at risk.


The war has been going on for hundreds of years.

I. 「幾久しく(いくひさしく)」

It is used in greeting or in a speech to mean forever. いつまでもながく。すえながく。

幾久しく(いくひさしく)娘(むすめ)をよろしくお願い(おねがい)申し上げ(もうしあげ)ます。: Please take good take care of my daughter for so long.

幾久しく(いくひさしく)娘(むすめ)をよろしくお願い(おねがい)申し上げ(もうしあげ)ます。」 (in a wedding)

Please take good care of my daughter for so long.

J. 「幾多(いくた)」

It means many, many, much, many times. 数多く(かずおおく)。あまた。


There're numerous hurdles on the road to success.


These are monuments to the effort of a lot of predecessors.



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