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執筆者の写真There Goes Nihongo

「男ばかり十人」 is different from 「男十人ばかり」. Learn to perfectly use ばかり(ばっかり、ばかし、ばっかし、ばっか).

鯉(こい)のぼりは鯉ばかりだ。Only carps are flying in a carp streamer

「ばかり」 is an adverbial particle and used to estimate and limit a range or a degree of things.

It came from the verb 「はかる」: to measure the size, quantity, etc. of something.

Informally, 「ばっかり」「ばかし」「ばっかし」 and 「ばっか」 are also used.

「ばかり」 has four ways of use.

1. Used to limit the degree, quantity or quality of the words before it and mean 'nobody or nothing except someone or something' like 「だけ」.


(りょうには どくしんの だんせい ばかり じゅうにん すんで いる。)

All single and male, there live ten persons in the dormitory.

五月人形(ごがつにんぎょう)は男の子ばかりだ。The figure of Boys' May festival dolls is only male.


(たったの おとこ じゅうにん ばかしじゃ どう しようもない。)

Only ten men are not enough to do that.


(かのじょは みかけ ばかり きに する。)

She concerns only about her appearance.


(かれは さけ ばっか のんで いる。)

He always drinks.


(かれは な ばかりの とうしゅだ。)

He's party leader in name only.


(かのじょは ぶんを かいた ばかりでなく、さしえも えらんだ。)

She not only wrote the text but also selected the illustrations.

挿絵(さしえ) is an illustration for a book.


(かのじょが みつけない ことを のぞむ ばかりだ。

I only hope that she never finds out.

2. Used like a noun in the forms of 「と+ばかり(に)」「た+ばかり(に)」「ない+ばかり(に)」. It shows that the speaker thinks it’s the only cause or reason for what happened.


(かのじょは このときと ばかり ふくを かい あさった。)

Taking that opportunity, she bought up clothes.



(こわかった ばかりに どうい して しまった。)

I agreed, but only because I was frightened.


She avoids him only because she doesn’t want to remember the old times.


3. Used in the forms of 「た+ばかり」「ぬ+ばかり」「ん+ばかり」. It shows that there’re almost no gaps or differences in the situation or the time between the two actions.



(でかける ばかりの ところに でんわが なった。)

The telephone rang just when I was about to leave.


(にほんごを ならい はじめた ばかりだ。)

I’ve just started to learn Japanese.


(きのう あった ばかりの ひとに また あった。)

I ran into the person who I only saw yesterday.



(かのじょは、わたしの はなしに つまらないと いわぬ ばかりに あくびを した。)

She yawned as if she was bored with what I was talking about.


(その こは なかん ばかりの かおを した。)

The child was almost crying.



(かのじょは とび あがらん ばかりに おどろいた。)

She was surprised and almost jumped.

4. Used to show your guess about the quantity or degree.


(それを みっつ ばかり ください。)

Give me three of these or so.


(りょうには どくしんの だんせいが じゅうにん ばかり すんで いる。)

There live around ten single men in the dormitory.

箱根ガラスの森美術館: Hakone Glass Forest Museum (Venetian Glass Museum)


(その びじゅつかんは えきの にし に キロメートル ばかりに ある。)

The art museum is about two kilometers to the west of the station.


(かれは ちょっと ばっかり かわって いる。)

There’s something peculiar about him.





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