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執筆者の写真There Goes Nihongo

How does a woman’s mind change?―女心(おんなごころ)と秋(あき)の空(そら)


Could you tell me which one I should choose, Ichiro 一郎 or Ken 健?

They say a woman’s mind—especially loving mind toward a man—is changeable like a fall sky.

A fall or autumn is, in Japan, maybe September, October, and November. It’s true the weather is changeable in that season. Fall or autumn is aki 秋(あき).

Persimmon 柿(かき) and a fall sky 秋の空 (あきのそら): There used to be persimmon 柿 (かき) everywhere in Japan. 柿 was to be eaten from the tree; stores didn't sell ones. However, where did persimmon trees 柿の木 (かきのき) go? Now you need to BUY ones at stores.

However, a spring sky is changeable, too. March, April, and May should be spring. Spring is haru 春(はる).

In other places in the world, winter seems more changeable. An English proverb says,

A woman’s mind and winter wind change often.

Winter is huyu 冬(ふゆ). And summer is natsu 夏(なつ).

The four seasons shiki 四季(しき) are also called shun-ka-shuu-too 春夏秋冬(しゅんかしゅうとう).

A snowy night 雪の夜 (ゆきのよる)

Let’s get back to the woman’s mind on-na gokoro 女心(おんなごころ).

On-na gokoro-to aki-no sora


This is a proverb which describes a woman’s mind from men’s viewpoint.

Literally it means “a woman’s mind and a fall sky.” In the proverb, “change often” is omitted.

A long time ago, however, a man’s mind seemed to be at issue more than a woman’s.

So they say

Otoko-no kokoro-to aki-no sora-wa ichiya-ni nana-do kawa-ru

He may have changed his mind for the 7th. time overnight.


A man’s mind and a fall sky change seven times overnight.

This statement is stronger. It seems that the proverb was originally a reprimand of a wife for her husband.

English also says,

“The hearts of men change as the seasons.”

Kokoro 心(こころ) is used for many expressions. Let’s see some of them as follows.

kokoro-ga ugo-ku


A force has changed your feelings and point of view, and has driven you to do something.

Yes, I'm going to be group leader 班長 (はんちょう).

● みんなに班長(はんちょう)になるよう一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)に頼まれた(たのまれた)ので、つい心(こころ)が動いて(うごいて)引き受けて(ひきうけて)しまった。 (Min-na-ni hanchoo-ni na-ru-yoo-ni is-shoo-kem-mei-ni tanoma-re-ta-no-de, tsu-i kokoro-ga ugo-i-te hiki-uke-te shimat-ta.)

Everybody asked me to be the group leader so eagerly that I changed my mind and accepted the role.

kokoro-ga komo-ru


こもる is to have something inside. When something done shows your thought, heart, or loving care, etc., the thing you did was 心(こころ)がこもる.

You're my encouragement. あなたが勇気 (ゆうき) づけてくれました。

● どんな高価(こうか)な贈り物(おくりもの)より、あなたの心(こころ)がこもった一言(ひとこと)は、わたしを勇気づけて(ゆうきづけて)くれた。(Don-na kooka-na oku-ri-mono-yori, anata-no kokoro-ga komot-ta hitokoto-wa, watashi-o yuuki-zuke-te-kure-ta.)

Your heartfelt word was the better encouragement to me than any other expensive gift.

kokoro-ni kake-ru


Never to forget to worry something or somebody

● 先生(せんせい)は、体(からだ)の弱(よわ)いわたしをいつも心(こころ)にかけてくださいます。(Sensee-wa, karada-no yowa-i watashi-o itsumo kokoro-ni ka-ke-te, kudasa-i-ma-su.)

I am physically weak, and the teacher never fails to worry about me.

kokoro-ni noko-ru


You’re impressed by something that you can’t forget.

笑顔 (えがお): a smiling face

● 卒業(そつぎょう)した後(あと)も、太田(おおた)先生(せんせい)の明るい(あかるい)笑顔(えがお)が心(こころ)に残って(のこって)いる。(Sotsugyoo-shita ato-mo, Oota sensee-no akaru-i egao-ga kokoro-ni nokot-te-i-ru.)

Even after graduation, the cheerful smiling face of Ms. Oota remains on my mind.

kokoro-o oni-ni suru


This is the typical image of a Japanese 鬼 (おに).

鬼(おに) is a Draco. You’ll be afraid of the Draco. Someone behaves in a Draconian manner but feels sorry for you at the same time. This is when 心(こころ)を鬼(おに)にする.

● 父(ちち)は心(こころ)を鬼(おに)にして、わがままな妹(いもうと)をしかりつけていた。(Chichi-wa kokoro-o oni-ni-shi-te, wagamama-na imooto-o shikari-tsuke-te-i-ta.)

Trying to behave in a Draconian manner, my father scolded my disobedient sister.



To have an idea about something.

● 「彼女(かのじょ)がどこにいるのか、心当たり(こころあたり)がありませんか?」 (Kanojo-ga doko-ni i-ru-no-ka, kokoro-atari-ga arima-sen-ka?)

Do you have any idea where she is?

心 (こころ) 当 (あ) たりがありません。I have no idea.



This is an adverb: with care, caution, thoughtfulness.

● 心して取り掛かってください。 (Kokoro-shite tori-kakat-te kudasai.)

Get to work with caution.





To take care and do various things, thinking much of somebody

何 (なん) でもお申 (もう) し付 (つ) けください。I'll be at your service.

● いろいろお心配り(こころくばり)ありがとうございます。 (Iroiro o-kokoro-kubari arigatoo gozaima-su.)

I appreciate you giving it much consideration.



To feel secure in the knowledge that you can count on somebody or something

● あなたがいてくれると心強い(こころづよい)です。 (Anata-ga i-te kure-ru-to kokoro-zuyo-i-de-su.)

I feel secure to have you for company.



To feel insecure

Shibuya 渋谷 (しぶや) is one of the most popular tourists' destinations in Japan.

● 知らない(しらない)人(ひと)ばかりで心細かった(こころぼそかった)。 (Shira-na-i hito bakari-de kokoro-boso-kat-ta.)

I felt insecure, not knowing anybody,



To feel happy and satisfied

● 心行く(こころゆく)までおくつろぎください。 (Kokoro-yu-ku-made o-kutsuro-gui kuda-sa-i.)

Please make yourself at home to the fullest.

They say Okinawa 沖縄 (おきなわ) has one of the clearest oceans in the world.



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