Rei 令 (れい) has the three main meanings:
1. Iitsuke 言いつけ(いいつけ)、sashizu 指図(さしず): orders, instructions
2. Okite 掟(おきて)、kimari 決まり(きまり): code, rule, law
3. Yoi 良い(よい)、rippa-na 立派(りっぱ)な: good, excellent
In this article you will know some words which have the first meaning.
Vocabularies which have the meaning of iitsuke 言いつけ(いいつけ)、sashizu 指図(さしず): orders, instructions
【訓令(くんれい)】kunrei: instructions which a higher public office gives to a lower public office
● 内閣(ないかく)が各(かく)都道府県庁(とどうふけんちょう)に訓令(くんれい)を出した(だした)。 (Naikaku-ga kaku to-doo-hu-ken-choo-ni kun-rei-o dashi-ta.)
The cabinet gave instructions to each prefectural office.
【号令(ごうれい)】goorei: a movement or word which a commander issues to his/her men in order to give orders
● 集合(しゅうごう)の号令(ごうれい)がかけられた。 (Shuugoo-no goorei-ga kake-rare-ta.)
The word of command was issued to make them gather around.
【指令(しれい)】shirei: instructions or orders, or to give them, especially among public offices
● 指令(しれい)が下った(くだった)。 (Shirei-ga kudatta.)
An instruction was given.
【司令(しれい)】shirei: to give orders in troops or warships
● 司令官(しれいかん)の指図(さしず)に従う(したがう)。(Shirei-kan-no sashizu-ni shitagau.)
to obey the order of the commander.
【辞令(じれい)】jirei: written or official appointment to office within an organization
● 1(いち)月(がつ)1(つい)日(たち)付け(づけ)で大阪(おおさか)支社(ししゃ)勤務(きんむ)の辞令(じれい)が出(で)た。 (Ichi-gatsu tsuitati zuke-de oosaka shisya kinmu-no jirei-ga deta.)
On January 1st, I got the official appointment to office in the Osaka branch.
【伝令(でんれい)】denrei: to forward orders or messages, or the person who does it; a messenger
● バッターに、監督(かんとく)の指示(しじ)を伝える(つたえる)のが伝令(でんれい)の役目(やくめ)だ。 (Battaa-ni, kantoku-no shiji-o tsutaeru-noga denrei-no yakume-da.)
The role of a messenger is to forward the orders of the manager to the batter.
【発令(はつれい)】hatsurei: to publish laws, appointments, or warnings
● 税金(ぜいきん)に関する(かんする)法令(ほうれい)が発令(はつれい)された。 (Zeikin-ni kansuru hoorei-ga hatsurei-sareta.)
The laws on tax were issued.
【命令(めいれい)】meirei: an order
● 役所(やくしょ)からの執行(しっこう)命令(めいれい)。 (Yakusho-kara-no shikkoo meirei.)
An order of execution issued by an public office.
【令状(れいじょう)】reijoo: a warrant or writ
● 召集(しょうしゅう)令状(れいじょう) (shooshuu reijoo)
draft card
● 召喚(しょうかん)令状(れいじょう) (shookan reijoo)
subpoena or writ of summons
● 逮捕(たいほ)令状(れいじょう) (taiho reijoo)
arrest warrant