成らぬは人の為さぬなりけり(ならぬは ひとの なさぬなりけり)。
Anything can be done, but only if you try.
If nothing’s done, the fault lies with you.
This famous verse is by 上杉鷹山 (うえすぎ ようざん, Uesugi Yozan). He was the governor of 山形 (やまがた, Yamagata Prefecture) in the 18thcentury. It was the era of 江戸(えど).
He performed financial reforms in the prefecture then. He’s regarded as one of the great governors.
This verse is so popular that it would be better to memorize the beginning phrase 「為せば成る」(なせばなる) at least.
Here I’ll try to make some explicatory remarks on this verse from a grammatical standpoint.
「為す」(なす) is used here as a transitive verb and to mean ‘to do’; 「成る」(なる) is used here as an intransitive verb and to mean ‘to be done’ or ‘to become something you expect.’
Please note, however, that 成す(なす) and 為る(なる) can usually be used as well interchangeably.
In the above quote, 「為」 is applied for a positive meaning like ‘to do at your will’; 「成」 for a passive meaning like ‘to become what you want.’
1. 為す(なす)
「為す(なす)」 changes its ending form according to the word which comes next.
1-1. 「為さない」(なさない)=為さ+ない: 為さ is the negative form.
(これは ようを なさない。)
This will not do (for anything). / This is useless.
(かんがえが かたちを なさない。)
My thoughts won’t take shape.
I can’t help but do this.
1-2. 「為します」(なします)=為し+ます: 為し is the conjunctive or continuative form.
(かのじょは ざいを なした。)
She made a fortune.
(かんがえが かたちを なして きた。)
My thoughts have begun to take shape.
1-3. 「為す(なす)」: 為す is the infinitive or dictionary form.
「考えが 形を 為す。」
(かんがえが かたちを なす。)
My thoughts begin to take shape.
1-4. 「為すとき」(なすとき)=為す+とき: Also, 為す is the attributive form.
(かんがえが かたちを なすときは いつに なるの だろう。)
I wonder when my thoughts would take shape.
1-5. 「為せば」(なせば)=為せ+ば: 為せ is the subjunctive form.
(あくじを なせば かならず つかまる。)
Whenever you commit a crime, you’ll be captured.
1-6. 「為せ」(なせ): Also, 為せ is the imperative form.
(ぜんを なせ。)
Do good things (to others).
2. 成る(なる)
「成る(なる)」 changes its form according to the word which comes next.
2-1. 「成らない」(ならない)=成ら+ない: 成ら is the negative form.
(なかなか そうは ならない だろう。)
Things will seldom become that way.
2-2. 「成ります」(なります)=成り+ます: 成り is the conjunctive or continuative form.
(かのじょは おくさんに なりました。)
She became a wife.
「彼女は歌手に成った。」 (N.B. 成った is formed after た.)
(かのじょは かしゅに なった。)
She became a singer.
2-3. 「成る(なる)」: 成る is the infinitive or dictionary form.
「考えが 形に 成る。」
(かんがえが かたちに なる。)
My thoughts begin to take shape.
2-4. 「成るとき」(なるとき)=成る+とき: Also, 成る is used for the attributive form.
(かんがえが かたちに なるときは いつに なるの だろう。)
I wonder when my thoughts would take shape.
2-5. 「成れば」(なれば)=成れ+ば: 成れ is the subjunctive form.
(はやく かんがえが かたちに なれば なあ。)
I wish my thoughts took shape soon.
(しがつに なれば かのじょは くる。)
She will come in April.
2-6. 「成れ」(なれ): Also, 成れ is the imperative form.
(たにんに やさしい ひとに なれ。)
Be a person who is kind to others.
3. 「ば」 of 「為せば」 is used for a conjunctive particle to show a condition.
It often works like ‘if.’
(きみが わらえば ぼくも わらう。)
If I see your smiling face, I always smile myself.
4. 「ぬ」 and 「ね」 are literary words and used instead of 「ない」 here.
(それに さわっては ならぬ。)
Don’t touch it.
5. Summary
「為せば成る」(なせばなる) literally says, ‘If you try it, it can be done.’
「為さねば成らぬ」(なさねばならぬ) says, ‘If you don’t try it, it cannot be done.’
「何事も」(なにごとも) is inversely placed at the end of the sentence. It means ‘in anything’ or ‘in any cases.’
If you rewrite in a standard order, it should be:
「為せば成る、為さねば成らぬ、何事も。」 consists of 5-7-5 rhythm:
This 5-7-7 rhythm is the most loved short phase in the Japanese language. 俳句(はいく) has its rhythm. Many mottos are made with this rhythm.
「成らぬは」(ならぬは) is something like 「思ったようにならないことは」(おもった ように ならない ことは) ‘things that didn’t become as you expected.’
「為さぬなりけり」(なさぬ なり けり) consists of 為さ+ぬ+なり+けり. This literally says, 「してないということです」.
「為さぬ」 should be equivalent to 「しない」 in a contemporary term; 「なり」 is 「こと」; 「けり」 is 「である」, 「です」 or 「である」.
「成らぬは人の為さぬなりけり」 literally says,
When things didn’t become as you expected, you actually didn’t do it that way.
This part has 7-7 rhythm. ならぬはひとの(7)+なさぬなりけり(7). Combined with the former part, the verse has 5-7-5-7-7 rhythm, which is exactly of 短歌(たんか).
In easy Japanese, it can be rewritten as follows: