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執筆者の写真There Goes Nihongo

「生」 is really something.

「生」 is used for a lot of meanings and has various ways of reading.











音読み(おんよみ) is セイ and ショウ.

「生」 has many meanings.

Ⅰ The first is to remain alive, to be alive, or to spend your life.


(クモは たべもの なしでも すうじつは いきられる。) should be “Spiders can live for several days without food.”


is the ability to breathe, grow, reproduce, etc. that people, animals, and plants have before they die.

「生と死」(せい と し) or 「生死」(せいし)

is life and death.


is any creature, that is, living things. It also means a subject of high school: biology.


is to spend your life during a particular period of your life. A married life should be


might be “I can’t afford to let him live anymore.”


should be a flower arrangement.


(はなを かびんに いける) should be to arrange flowers in a vase.

Ⅱ The second is a period of your life.


should be the rest of your life.


is the period between your birth and death, or a part of this period.

Ⅲ The third is to be born, come into being, or to produce something.


is the birthday.


is the place of birth.


is the process of growing or making food, goods, or materials, especially in large quantities.


(ははは せん きゅうひゃく さんじゅう ろく ねんに うまれました。) is “My mother was born in 1936. "


(かれは このくにが うんだ さいこうの スポーツせんしゅだ。) is “He is the greatest athlete this country has ever produced.”

Ⅳ The fourth is when a plant, hair, tooth, etc. grows.


is existing naturally in a place.


is living or growing in natural conditions; not kept in a house or on a farm.


(きぎが おい しげって いる。) is “The trees grow thick.”


(あかちゃんに はが はえたよ。) should be “Look! The baby cut a tooth!”

Ⅴ The fifth is to begin to exist or be known to this world.


is to appear, happen, occur, or incur.


( じこが はっせい しました。) is "An accident has happened."

Ⅵ The sixth is used in a situation where you have something when you are born.

「生来」(せいらい or しょうらい)

is inborn or innate.

In another word,


Ⅶ The seventh is raw, not ripe, green, or fresh.


is a fresh egg.


is a raw fish;


is raw meat.


is half cooked or half boiled.

Ⅷ The eighth is a person who reads or study.


should be a teacher, a professor, a writer, a lawyer, a doctor, an accountant, etc.


is a student.


is a college student.


is also a student, especially in high school or in middle school.

Ⅸ The ninth is used for a male person who calls himself in a humble way.


is ‘I’ or ‘me.’


(しょうせい、この ごおんは いっしょう わすれません。) should be “I’ll never forget all my life the kindness I have received from you.”





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