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執筆者の写真There Goes Nihongo

適当は適当だ(てきとうは てきとうだ)。 Properly? Randomly?

「適当(てきとう)」is a basic word which even small Japanese children may know and use. However, it might be a little hard for learners of the Japanese language to understand or use it correctly. That is because it changes its meanings in almost opposite ways.

Let’s see how the word works.

1. 「適当(適当)」 is used approvingly to mean PROPER, APPROPRIATE, ADEQUATE, GOOD, FIT, SUITABLE, etc. for a characteristic, a condition, a demand, etc. It is also used when a volume, a degree, a quantity, a quality, etc. is adequate or appropriate.


(にほんごの べんきょうに なにか てきとうな ほんを しりませんか。)

Do you know of any appropriate reference books for studying Japanese?


(たなかは この しごとには てきとうでない。)

Tanaka is not the right person for this job.


(この ケーキを みなさんで てきとうに わけて ください。)

Please divide this cake among yourselves as you see fit.


(ちょうしょく まえから ずっと れきしの レポートを やって いるのだから、てきとうな ところで きりあげないの。)

You’ve been working on that history report since before breakfast. Why don’t you call it a day at an appropriate place?


(この じてんで コメント するのは てきとうでない だろう。)

It would be improper to comment at this stage.


(パーティーに いくのに てきとうな ふくが ないの。)

I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party.


(かれに きいて みる てきとうな ころあいを まって いた。)

I was waiting for the right moment to ask him.


(つぎの せつもんに てきとうな こたえを ひとつ えらびなさい。)

Choose a right answer to the following question.

2. 「適当」 is used disapprovingly to mean NOT EXACT, INACCURATE, RANDOM, LAX, SLACK, CARELESS, etc. The synonym is 「いい加減」(いいかげん).


(あの おとこは いつも てきとう なので、この しごとには てきとうで ない。)

Okada is not so exact a guy that he is not right for this job.


(なかだの しごとぶりは さいきん すごく てきとうだ。)

Nakada's been very slack in his work lately.


(かれは ジーンズと きふるした あかい シャツを てきとうに とった。)

He grabbed a random pair of jeans and an old red shirt.


(はたしは バッハでも ブルースでも ジャズでも、てきとうに いろいろ ききます。)

I listen to a lot of random stuff—Bach, blues, jazz.


(どくしん おとこは だいたい かじには てきとうだ。)

Most bachelors are lax in their housekeeping.


(かんじゃを てきとうに あしらって いるような いしゃの ところへは いきたく ない。)

I would not want to go to a doctor who had a lackadaisical approach to his patients.


(その きょうしは にほんしを てきとうに やって いるので、クラスの せいとは やるきが でなかった。)

The teacher’s languid approach to Japanese History did not motivate the class.





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